Standard Model - Theory Part

PD Dr. Stephan Dürr, Summer 2023

Content Summary

You should be familiar with key concepts in analysis and mathematical physics (e.g. distributions, Fourier transform), the theory of special relativity (including four-vector calculus), standard quantum mechanics (e.g. the algebra of spins or angular momenta), and have attended a course on particle physics (e.g. GETA at BUW).

While GETA made only use of concepts in quantum mechanics, this course will make use of concepts in quantum field theory. Due to time constraints we will be unable to go into details (technical and conceptual issues are nicely separated in the QFT book by Mark Srednicki). Nonetheless, anybody planning to specialize in theory is strongly encouraged to attend (at a later point in his/her career) a course in quantum field theory.

Useful Books

The theory part will closely follow the book by Mark Thomson; please get a pdf or a hardcopy from the library.

In addition, I produce a document which serves as a reading help to the book by highlighting key points (from the theory viewpoint). It's supposed to let you think about self-assessment questions, and to give you an idea where you should be in your studies, at any given point in time.

Organization Details

Language: German or English (as preferred by the audience)
Lectures/Exercises: Mon, 14-16, F.13.17
Lectures/Exercises: Wed, 10-12, D.10.08
Lectures/Exercises: Thu, 10-12, D.10.08
Exercises:On any weekday possible; scheduled as deemed useful; the latest theory series will be available here.
Start:Mon 3 April 2023.

Last Update: Mon Apr 3 10:53:47 CEST 2023